Engagement Mining

Incentivizing Active Participation and Fostering Community Growth in LAZI

1. Total Supply and Annual Inflation:

- Total supply: 1 billion.

- Annual inflation: 4%.

2. Daily Release for Engaging Users:

- Daily release: 109,589 $LAZI.

- Rewards for Lazi App contributions.

3. Engage to Earn Program:

- Stake $LAZI to start.

- Max session duration: 2000 days.

- Initial amount and rewards at session end.

4. Multiplier System: S * T * U:

- S (Staking Ratio Factor):

- Compares user's staked $LAZI to the average.

- If user's staked amount exceeds average, S is taken as that ratio; otherwise, it's set to 1.

- T (Duration Ratio Factor):

- Assesses user's engagement session duration versus the average.

- If user's duration surpasses average, T is taken as that ratio; else, it's set to 1.

- U (Username Multiplier):

- Users gain extra multipliers for owning up to 5 .LAZI usernames.

- Each owned username increases the multiplier.

5. Engagement Mining Rewards Equation:

- Rewards = w1 * Contribution Score + w2 * Duration + w3 * Staked Amount.


- w1: Contribution Score holds 50% weight.

- w2: Duration contributes 35% to daily token distribution.

- w3: Staked Amount factors in with a 15% weight.

6. Weight Adjustments:

- Initial weights: w1 = 50%, w2 = 35%, w3 = 15%.

- Adjustments for platform optimization.

Penalties for Early Engagement Session Termination:

- Termination before 50% of initially set duration:

- Earned rewards: 50% reduction.

- Initial staked amount: 30% reduction.

- Termination between 50% and 80% of initially set duration:

- Earned rewards: 25% reduction.

- Initial staked amount: 15% reduction.

- Termination after completing 80% of initially set duration:

- Earned rewards: 15% reduction.

- Initial staked amount: 5% reduction.

Penalty Allocation:

- Half to creator wallet.

- Half added to the reward pool for the following day, distributed among engagement miners.

Last updated